
Anywhere You Are

Anywhere You Are, Your Coach Is Waiting to Support You.

Sexual betrayal causes confusion, overwhelm, and extreme anxiety among other difficult to deal with emotions.

Often women feel completely alone and lost. Working with a professional coach can help you process and integrate your experience in a healthy way. This way you can move through it with greater ease and security. It can be the difference between drifting aimlessly, hurting and lost or gaining strength and confidence to move forward toward healing.

We are here to help you.

No Matter What Stage You Are In, We Can Support You.

All Sanity After Betrayal members are encouraged to join the online digital program and community. It can be found HERE.

This program contains the blueprint for healing. You will enjoy on-line discussion groups for connection and empathetic understanding. You will have a tribe to support you. 

Once in the program, add personalized coaching to give you the support you need to heal and thrive.

And then add Coaching.*

Coaching with Jamie Watson

*Coaching is available to members of the Sanity After Betrayal Program, so that you have the tools and support you need to succeed.

Neuro Coach Jamie Watson will meet with you and guide you through the Sanity After Betrayal Coaching program. She will give you all the necessary knowledge, tools, and support. This program is backed by science and the support of Dr. Trish Leigh, so that you can heal and thrive more than ever. 

Feel Stuck & Need Private, Individual Support

Find Understanding, Safety, and Healing Through Our Unique Coaching Program

($299 Monthly Subscription)


Get the Results You Need.
Sign Up for Your Discovery Session Today.


1. What is holding you back from succeeding?
2. What you need to break through.
3. How the right coach can help you create and achieve your goals.

(Complimentary Consultation)

Find Understanding, Safety, and Healing Through Our Unique Coaching Program

Dr. Trish Leigh will meet with you and help you heal. She will give you all the knowledge, tools, and support you need.

This program is backed by science and the support of Dr. Trish Leigh so that you can heal and thrive more than ever.